如果你是一个多边形(If You Were a Polygon) | 少年商学院

如果你是一个多边形(If You Were a Polygon)

如果你是一个多边形(If You Were a Polygon)



If You Were a Polygon


by Marcie Aboff (玛茜·阿波夫)


这本色彩鲜艳的绘本是“数学的乐趣”丛书中的一辑,主要帮助孩子认识多边形,并列举了许多儿童喜欢的例子(例如五角星、家居物件和各种桌子等)。作者赋予了这些多边形以生命。 这个系列的丛书简单有效,数学术语定义清晰、插图也精美。

如果你是一个多边形(If You Were a Polygon) 如果你是一个多边形(If You Were a Polygon) 如果你是一个多边形(If You Were a Polygon)


如果你是一个多边形(If You Were a Polygon) 如果你是一个多边形(If You Were a Polygon)


This charmingly illustrated book in the Math Fun series teaches children what polygons are using numerous kid-friendly examples (ie: like the stars, house parts, and tables). They’re simple but effective, with clear definitions and darling pictures.

The math picture book is great for teaching shapes in the classroom or at home. We specially like the books with photographs that show how basic geometry shapesare all around us. They can be especially fun to read just before going on a class ‘shape hunt’.

This is a math book, best for kids range between 4 to 7 years old.


如果你是一个多边形(If You Were a Polygon) 如果你是一个多边形(If You Were a Polygon)


如果你是一个多边形(If You Were a Polygon)



        玛茜· 阿波夫生于美国新泽西州的一个城郊小镇,是家中3个孩子里最小的。她最喜欢的作家是朱迪·布鲁姆和欧·亨利。





